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Aspects Concerning the Plane Sieve Granular Material Loading Level Increasing


Liviu Gaceu* - Brasov, Transilvania University



plane sieve, sifting, vibration, elasticity


The technological effects of oscillate plane sieve depends on many factors, such as: sieve mesh dimension, granular material type, sieve load level, amplitude and speed oscillation sieve, etc. The thickness of the material on the sieve sift surface is determined studying the movement of particles on the silt surface considered, usually, rigid. In reality, ones of the parts compounded the work assembly have a specific vibration relative to the rigid frame, because its elasticity. The vibrations of elements that come in contact with the material produce significance modifications of the technological process. In this paper it is analysed the influences on the sieve natural modes vibration and the sieve granular material loading level due to the applied stresses to the cloth sieve. If a specific strain cannot be applied to the sieve, there is the possibility to modify another parameters involved into limit load equation. For assurance a constant sift parameters is necessary to know the critical distributed material weight, and the paper present a few useful calculus relations for sieve designing and exploitation. A sieve choosing criteria is not only technological one, but also a resonance criterion.

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