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Theoretical and Experimental Study on Mechanical Stresses Within Cars' Transmissions While Rolling on Different Road Types


Ovidiu Câmpian* - Brasov, Transilvania University
Gheorghe Ciolan - Brasov, Transilvania University
Ion Preda - Brasov, Transilvania University
Vasile Câmpian - Brasov, Transilvania University
Walter Wilhelm Thierheimer - Brasov, Transilvania University



road, transmission, mechanical stress, partial collective (distribution), global collective (distribution)


The paper presents some of the main aspects regarding the determination of the mechanical stresses within cars' transmissions by approaching both the theoretical and experimental methods.

There are described the dynamic and mathematical methods used for simulating the stresses. There are presented some significant results obtained following the simulations.

At the same time there is advanced the experimental research method exercised in case of stresses within transmissions. A great importance is attached to the description of both the measurement equipment and the experimental data acquisition as well as to the equipment and soft used to process them. There is put forward the way to establish the stress partial collectives (sets) and the composition manner in view of obtaining the stress global collectives (sets).

At the end of the paper there are presented some of the results following the experimental research.

Choosing the present subject was mainly determined by the acute necessity to understand stresses within cars' transmission, to optimize and to reduce the research and development time needed for transmission.

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