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Specific Features in the Design and Manufacturing of Microsystems Involved in Automobile Safety and Control System


Simona Lache* - Brasov, Transilvania University



The automobiles manufactured nowadays are more and more demanding with respect to safety and control. This implies the presence of new mechatronic systems, able to respond to the high performance requirements: anti-blocking systems, automatic stability control, power steering, motor performance management, air conditioning, central locking systems, diagnosis systems, etc. Due to dimensional limits (the automobile dimensions cannot enhance), the new implemented systems, as their number increases, need to be miniaturized. Therefore, today we speak about microelectrical and mechanical systems (MEMS), which are integrated sensors, actuators and electronic parts for signal acquisition and processing. They represent a reliable solution for automobile mechatronics. Since they have specific features (dimensions in the millimeter range and below, forces other then gravity dominate due to the scaling effects, new materials involved - with different mechanical characteristics) the whole design and manufacturing process differs from the one we are acquainted with from the macroworld. There are specific design techniques and microfabrication methods developed in order to realize microsystems able to respond to complex functions (mechanical, electronic and control functions). All these issues are discussed in the present paper. Its main objective is to identify the new design concepts and manufacturing techniques suitable for developing microsystems used in automotive industry.

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