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Theoretical and Experimental Research for Vehicles Handling Improvement


Valeriu Enache - Brasov, Transilvania University
Ion Preda* - Brasov, Transilvania University
Viorel Vulpe - Brasov, Transilvania University
Mihai Dogariu - Brasov, Transilvania University
Dragos Dima - Brasov, Transilvania University



steering system, single-track model, cornering behaviour, computer simulation, experiment


Cornering and handling qualities of a motor vehicle constitute important aspects of the active safety, directly related with the traffic accidents. Consequently, even for the design stage, knowing the handling characteristics and controlling the means that can influence them have very big importance for the automotive engineers. Computer simulation permits to obtain useful information about handling, rapidly and at low costs.

The aim of this work was to find improvement possibilities for the car handling performances. For this purpose was imagined a vehicle dynamic model - an extension of the basic "bicycle" model, that is able to include new influences for steering, traction and braking systems. The model can be easily adapted for other vehicles types. The program Matlab-Simulink was chosen to solve the model's equations. The computer simulations performed were used to determine the handling behaviour of the car in various travelling conditions.

Experimental data, achieved in real conditions tests, was used to validate the model. The combination between theoretical and experimental investigations allows identifying modalities for car cornering and handling improvement. The results of this research can be useful for other types of vehicles and lead to a better understanding of the automotive dynamics.


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