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Theoretical and Applied Methods in Optimization of Maximum Drag Airfoils


Mircea Lupu - Brasov, Transilvania University
Ernest Scheiber - Brasov, Transilvania University
Adrian Postelnicu* - Brasov, Transilvania University



inviscid jets, direct and inverse problems, singular integral equation, optimal maximal deflector in tunnel


In the paper there are solved direct and inverse problems for incompressible flows around various airfoils placed in tunnel: convex airfoils, flat plate normal to the flow, deflectors. One obtains the flow characteristics, the drag and one optimizes the deflector of maximum drag placed in the tunnel, in the case of nonlinear integral

operators. Applications of such problems are of great technical importance including the aerodynamics of reversal thrust devices, braking parachutes, water turbine buckets, fluid power control, pipes hydrotransport, etc.

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