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Operational and Structural Limitations and Possibilities of the Engine with Variable Compression Ratio


Radu Gaiginschi - Iasi, Technical University Gh. Asachi
Adrian Sachelarie* - Iasi, Technical University Gh. Asachi
Lidia Gaiginschi - Iasi, Technical University Gh. Asachi



compression ratio, variable dosage, stratified mixture, engine, economicity


The paper presents the influence of the load over the fuel consumption of a internal combustion engine (spark ignition engine and diesel engine) in comparison with an engine that operates with the same air - fuel mixture and adjusts the load through the lamination of the admission duct and the variation of the compression ratio, in order to maintain the same pressure at the end of the compression stroke. The fuel economy is due to the reduction of heat loses through exhaust gases. A calculus example is presented in which a real cycle is calculated using an adequate method. It shows the achievable fuel economy, the correlation between the load and the compression ratio and analyses the opportunity of limiting the load at values that don't affect considerably

the constructive complexity.

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