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Skills and Competences Development for the Professionals of the Future Transportation Sector – The SKILLFUL Project


Matina Loukea, Evangelos Bekiaris and Maria Panou
Centre for Research and Technology Hellas – Hellenic Institute of Transport (CERTH-HIT) – Thessaloniki, Greece

Thierry Goger and Adewole Adesiyun
Forum des Laboratoires Nationaux Europeens de Recherche Routiere (FEHRL) – Brussels, Belgium


The transport industry accounts for 4.5% of total employment, and represents 4.6% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). This paper analyses the future needs to be gained concerning the training and expertise of the professionals in transportation field mainly because of the continuous and dramatic development of technology and more specifically the development and penetration in the transportation sector of intelligent systems. Furthermore, this paper proposes the introduction of some new business roles in the transport sector and more particular in the education and training chain that would help to achieve European wide competence development and take-up in a sustainable way, according also to the European project SKILLFUL that aims to perform a structured foresight into the vocational and academic qualifications in the Transportation sector of the future, as well as to enhance employability and sustainable industrial development in the transportation sector in Europe.

Keywords: ITS, automation, employability, transport professionals, skills, competences, future requirements, training tools, lifelong training

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