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Setting up the "cluster" Networks and Perspectives on Modularization of the Automotive Industry


Cornel Aramă - Henri Coanda Air Force Academy of Brasov
Alin Preda - Transilvania University of Brasov
Gheorghe Bobescu - Transilvania University of Brasov


A global survey of the automotive industry shows that an original equipment manufacturer - OEM - contributes 18-20% to produce a car. The other parts of the systems are produced by different suppliers of systems and modules which have their own development systems or components by specific rules with a varying duration of the cycle. Output range of models is in these parts dominant, very complex. OEM's have not only tasks of the development, construction and production, but also the coordination of all the system vendors and the other suppliers in the chosen global strategy model.

Construction and manufacture of modern cars are becoming more modular. Increasing complexity of automotive equipment and the need to transfer power to the development of OEM automotive suppliers leads to decomposition of the modules always differentiated, which are then developed by SMEs (small and medium enterprises). Cluster structures afford greater innovation power of companies participating in physical proximity, share experiences and synergies between companies, chains of value creation and scientific institutions. Clusters reduce the barriers of the market entry and the establishment of their existing business, based on specific infrastructure branch, maintains access to capital and direct contact with partners which create the added value.

Keywords: “cluster” networks, modularization, suppliers, OEM, automakers

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