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Active/Passive Answers Developed in Human Subject Hands During Automotive Driving


Baritz Mihaela* - University Transilvania from Brasov
Cotoros Diana - University Transilvania from Brasov


Some theoretical and practical aspects connected to the implementation of a computerized technique designed for the analysis of the human factor behavioral performances during driving are presented in this paper. In the first part of the paper we presented the main aspects related to the study principles of the using of hands in driving activities, creating the conditions of an ergonomic space and the human factor limits of hands established by anthropometrical databases. In the second part of the paper we presented the measuring system and the equipment used to evaluate the human hands movements limits, also the investigations used to obtain dynamic responses from the subjects in order to perform recordings. In the final part we presented the results and conclusions about evolutions of active/passive answers developed in human hands and also the influences of forces, type of movements and anthropometrical conditions on hands movements’ performances.

Keywords: hand, driving, sensorial gloves, anthropometry, dynamic responses

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