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Setting of the Strategic Objectives of the County Public Transport Based on Population Mobility and on Capacity of Transportation Operators


Alexandru Boroiu - University of Pitesti
Viorel Nicolae - University of Pitesti
Sorin Ilie - University of Pitesti
Gabriela Mitran - University of Pitesti


In the scientific research contracts made by the authors, concerning setting strategies on the development of public passenger transport in the next five years and the designing of the programs for the public transport of passengers for the period 2011 - 2014 in the counties Valcea, Arges, Olt and Dolj, it was assessed the dynamics of population mobility in these time periods and the evolution of the operators capacity which are involved in the public passengers transport. Based on the existing capacity indicators of public transport systems – determined by the ratio of demand / supply on public passengers transport - and socio-economic projections for every county in hand, various proposals have been advanced for the strategy followed in the development of public transport. Thus, for Arges and Valcea counties where there are several operators with a high capacity, in future transportation program 2011 - 2014 may be offered groups of routes (up by economic and geographical criteria) and single routes, while for counties Olt and Dolj counties, the reduced capacity of the transport operators requires in the future to be offered in single routes manner.

Keywords: county public transport, strategic objectives, transportation demand dynamics, the capacity of transportation operator, system capacity

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