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Trend Analysis of the Worldwide Fuel Qualities and Impact on Engine System Development


Joerg Neugaertner* - hofer Powertrain Germany
Ioana Moldoveanu - hofer Powertrain Germany


hofer Powertrain is a well-known partner of the automotive and supplier industry. With many development activities hofer Powertrain is providing solutions and services for the development of systems and system components for the powertrain. Especially, hofer provides concepts and solutions for fuel handling, metering, mixture preparation and combustion control.

Within this script the impact of the massive worldwide increase of variation of fuel qualities and the impact of bio gene contents will be shown as overview. Based on vehicle customer expectations and the need of CO2 reduction and cost trade off will give an overview and examples on solutions to handle the fuel quality issue.

For example, currently we see in the European market that the fuel can be blended with bio gene (e.g. RME) in a proportion that goes up to 10%, without this fact being shown at the fill up station. Due to this fact the OEMs and suppliers have to test the possible harmful effects of the bio gene fuel content on different percentage and mixtures at the engine components and review, if needed, parts and e.g. the oil exchange intervals. The efforts and cost that are related have to be reviewed as CO2 abbreviation cost too.

The paper shows, which is the influence of bio gene fuels on the main engine components (fuel pump, injector, fuel tank, piston…) after the engines were run in several types of tests. This script will give recommendation and address the need for standardization and monitoring the worldwide fuel quality. Also it will give an all dimensional overview on examples and solutions to stabilize the engine system, components and after treatment solutions.

Keywords: Fuel trend analysis, worldwide fuel quality, engine impact, engine tests

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