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Numerical Optimization of Vehicle Design in Order to Decrease Fuel Consumption and Emission of Toxic Gases


Zeljko Sakota* - INN Vinca
Zlatomir Zivanovic - INN Vinca
Djordje Diligenski - INN Vinca
Zoran Jovanovic - INN Vinca


Application of numerical methods for calculation of consumption and vehicle emission during the simulation of operating cycle of the desired choice allows vehicles customization towards specific requirements and customer needs. This means that it is possible, even in the early phases of vehicle development, based on anticipated operating conditions, to optimize the energy and environmental parameters. In terms of relatively small buses production, designed for operation in city traffic in a wide variety of terrain configuration, it is possible to achieve significant effects. For the implementation of this approach, in addition to application of the software for simulation of dynamic characteristics (Cruise AVL), it is necessary to introduce techniques necessary for the establishment of real driving cycles that are based on the application of GPS technology. For this purpose are developed experimental and numerical methods for data collection and preparation of inputs for the driving cycle of personalized customer vehicles. Based on the recorded operation cycle, a vehicle modules optimization is performed (engine, transmission ...) in order to decrease fuel consumption and emission of toxic gases.

Keywords: vehicle design, simulation, fuel consumption

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