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Designing and Manufacturing a Test Bench for Testing Engine Variable Valve Timing System Electrovalves


Anghel Chiru* - Transilvania University of Braşov
Silviu-Florian Săraru - National Institute of Forensic Expertise, Bucharest
Eduard Golovatai-Schmidt - Schaeffler Technologies GmbH &Co. KG


The article refers to designing and manufacturing of a test bench used for studying contaminantion behaviour of some components of the vehicle engine variable valve timing system.

Particulary, the test bench was created in order to be used for research electrohydraulic valves sensitivity. These type of valves are part of the variable valve timing mechanisms, like Vario Cam Plus. These systems have a large applicability on the internal combustion engines used nowadays, due to their advantages like: fuel consumption reduction, polluant emission decrease, and engine performance improvement.

Ingressing the particles from the contaminated oil of the engine between the component parts of the electrovalve, cause malfunction in operation, extended afterwards on the variable valve timing system and finally on the operation mode of the engine itself. Consequently, fuel consumption increase, polluant emissions also, and engine performance decrease.

In conclusion, the necessity of designing and manufacturing a test bench in order to reproduce the operating conditions from the engine equipped with these type of variable valve timing systems, came naturally.

Keywords: Test Bench, Electrovalves, Variable Valve Timing, Contamination Behaviour, Vario Cam Plus

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