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The Estimation Of Travel Demand – The First Step To Reorganize A County Road Public Transport


Sorin Ilie* - University of Pitesti, Romania
Gabriela Mitran - University of Pitesti, Romania
Alexandru Boroiu - University of Pitesti, Romania
Viorel Nicolae - University of Pitesti, Romania


Regional development is one of the key objectives of the policies adopted by the European Union, the transport sector playing an important role in efforts to reduce regional and social disparities. Also, in the Green Paper, the European Commission promotes sustainable transport. Among the measures proposed in order to achieve the two objectives is the increasing using degree of public transport to the detriment of the individual one. The main factor contributing to this relocation is the attractivity of the transport mode. Attractivity of public transport is characterized by several parameters, including the time period of access to public transport station, the schedule of means of transport, the time period spent in vehicle, the number of transshipments needed to travel between an origin – destination pair of points, the comfort, the convenience and the safety offered by the means of transport. To recommend measures to increase the attractiveness of a transport system requires the knowing of the current situation of the interaction between the supply and the demand of the analyzed transport system. In this sense, this paper aims to estimate the level of transport demand associated with public transport by regular services in County Dâmboviţa. In the first stage is described the supply of the county public transportation system, identifying the transport poles and the public transport county routes. To highlight the interaction between transport supply and demand, a transport model is realized using a specialized software system in transport planning, transport demand modeling and management of transport networks. The estimation of transport demand with this software system consists in modeling the user choices concerning: the decision of making or not the travel for some reason or purpose, the travel destination, the transport mode used and the route traveled in a time reference period. The calibration and the validation of the model is based on data concerning the number of registered passenger in means of transportation on lines whose routes converge into transport poles identified above.

Keywords: Travel Demand, Public Transport, Transport Model, Public Transport Attractivity

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