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Optimal Production And Maintenance Planning For Random Demand With Variable Production Rate And Subcontracting Constraints


Souheil Ayed - INRIA Nancy Grand Est /LGIPM – ENIM
Sofiene Dellagi - INRIA Nancy Grand Est /LGIPM – ENIM
Nidhal Rezg - INRIA Nancy Grand Est /LGIPM – ENIM


This paper deals with an industrial problematic of a manufacturing system called to satisfy a random demand during a finite horizon with a given service level. The manufacturing system production rate is limited. To respond to this demand, the manufacturing calls upon subcontracting. In order to minimize the inventory and the production cost, the manufacturing system must operate with a variable production rate. The manufacturing system M1 is subject to a random failure. We assume that, the deterioration of the machine M1 depends both on time and production rate. The object of this study is to determine an optimal production plan taking into account the machine deterioration following its production rate. The subcontractor manufacturing system M2 is out of control. To start with, under a given service level with a subcontracting constraint, we establish a production plan minimizing the inventory and production cost. Thereafter, starting with the previous production plan, we derive an optimal production plan taking into account the degradation of the machine, minimizing simultaneously: the production, the inventory and the degradation cost.

Keywords: Integrated Maintenance, Variable Production Rate, Degradation, Production Plan, Subcontracting

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