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Light Electric Vehicle Transportation System For Politehnica University Campus


Prof. Grigore Danciu* - University Politehnica of Bucharest, Romania
Dr. Virgil Racicovschi - ICPE S.A., Romania
Mihaela Chefneux - ICPE S.A., Romania
Prof. Liviu Kreindler - Technosoft International, Romania


The paper presents a "bike-sharing" transportation system. It is based on light electric vehicles, of many types. The system is under development in the University "Politehnica" campus. It is a very efficient transportation system, suitable not only to a university campus, but also to low and medium communities spread on a medium or large surface, like a holyday resort, an exhibition, etc. It is based on three components: Electric vehicles, Docking stations and a Control center. The authors realised an original electric scooter with in-wheel BLDC motor and, and purchased other vehicles in order to realize a comparative evaluation. The docking stations realise the vehicles' docking and charging from photovoltaic panels. The Control center communicates with the docking stations and does the system management. The paper presents technical details and implementation.

Keywords: Light Electric Vehicles, In-wheel BLDC Motor, Digital Control, Photovoltaic Energy, Bike-sharing

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