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Innovative Materials For The Production Of Automobile’s Door Sealing Systems


Christian Astalosch* - BMW Group, Germany
Sorin Sacareanu - Transilvania University from Brasov
Anghel Chiru - Transilvania University from Brasov


Throughout the evolution of the car industry, EPDM sealing systems (ethylene-propylene-diene-monomer) have emerged as the optimal solution, making the basic recipe. In the last decade, however, one could see a strong trend in the international market, which is to replace EPDM sealing system components, especially those semi-dynamics stressed, with TPV-E elements (thermoplastic elastomer vulcanized). The reason lies in the properties and performance similar to elastomers, the extrusion processing being similar to plastics. TPV-E is a mixture of a thermoplastic base (eg polypropylene PP), elastomer particulate (EPDM), and possibly some additives. During the mixing the full dynamic vulcanization of elastomers occurs. In terms of structure, TPV-E lies between elastomer and thermoplastic. Like thermoplastic, TPV-E becomes plastic under the influence of heat, after cooling having again an elastic behavior. Unlike elastomers, whose bonds are chemical, in TPV-E the bonds are physical, reversible under the influence of heat. TPV-E found use in the automotive industry, for the processing benefits solutions versus the conventional EPDM. This means a positive economic balance for the finished product, so a reduction in the price / unit. In addition the impact that TPV-E has on the environment is reduced due to complete recyclability. Therefore the authors are convinced that this material will impose and expand the industry of car door sealing systems, especially for semi-dynamic required components (interior and exterior railings, window guides or lips sealing cap) and they recommend to the manufacturers who still do not have the technology, the implementation of the necessary research activities. Keywords: Sealing Systems, EPDM, Materials

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