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Simplified Model For Epicyclic Gear Inertial Characteristics


Ticusor Ciobotaru* - Military Technical Academy, Romania
Octavian Feraru - Military Technical Academy, Romania
Alexandru Caravan - MOND, Romania


For mechanical transmissions, all component gears have the same kinematics no matter the stage of the gear box. Consequently, the inertial characteristics of the mechanical transmission depend only on the square of the gear box ratio. For an epicyclic gear box, the speeds of the components depend on the manner in which the power is transmitted through the planetary mechanisms; consequently, the inertial characteristics of the transmission depend on the structure of the epicyclic gear box. The paper presents a simplified model for calculation of the inertia of an elementary epicyclic mechanism. The analysis includes the error estimation as well as the implementation of this simplified model into the analysis of the epicyclic gear box.

Keywords: Planetary Mechanism, Inertia, Gear, Epicyclic

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