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Researches Regarding the Reduction of Free Radicals using a Thermal Reactor Attached to Classical Exhaust Catalyst


Crivac, Gheorghe* - University of Pitesti Nicolae, Viorel - University of Pitesti
Ilie, Sorin - University of Pitesti



free radicals, catalytic converter, thermal reactor, selective catalytic reduction, life protection


Free radicals are atoms and molecules which have in their structure an unpaired electron with a high energy. Due to this fact, these atoms and molecules are very instable. They are produced during combustion and they have a very negative impact over the processes in the atmosphere, due to their high reactivity. In favorable conditions (as the ultraviolet radiation, presence of oxygen, high temperature), free radicals could generate some synthetic compounds in atmosphere, with high toxicity. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) is a proven and effective method to reduce nitrogen oxide, which is produced when coal is burned, and is a contributor to ground level ozone. The SCR in a coal station works similar to a catalytic converter used to reduce automobile emissions. Prior to exhaust gases going up the smokestack, they will pass through the SCR where anhydrous ammonia reacts with nitrogen oxide and converts it to nitrogen and water. The paper presents the possibilities of implementation of a device (thermal reactor) for diminishing the concentration of pollutants in the exhaust gases, based on the reduction the temperature of these gases in the area placed after the catalytic converter, with positive consequences in their transformation from gas state to aerosol or liquid state.

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