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The Gathering and Taking Over System Used in Determining for Off-road Cars


Tecau, Florin-Grigore* - Colegiul National Dimitrie Dima - University of Pitesti
Popa, Dinel - University of Pitesti
Parlac, Sebastian - University of Pitesti
Serban, Florin - University of Pitesti



optical device, interface, script files


In this paper is presented a gathering and taking over system obtained from the wheels of a car and at the exit from the gear box. The used translators are optical ones, the exit impulses that have a rectangular form with the tension of 0.7 V. The processed files from the interface contain information referring to the angular speed of the wheels and at the exit from the gear box. The data processing is made with a Turbo Pascal proper soft. The graphics are obtained with some script files in the AutoCAD soft.

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