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Experimentation with Fuels Based on Sun Flower Oil on Diesel Engines


Istvan, Barabas - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Nicolae, Burnete - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Adrian, Todorut - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Cristian, Coldea - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Florin, Mariasiu - Robert Bosch SRL



Biodiesel, Sunflower oil, Diesel engine, Performance, Fuel consumption.


Taking into account the drastic reduction of the conventional fuel reserves, one of the priorities of the scientific research, nation and world wide, is finding alternative sources of fuel for the internal combustion engine. One of the alternatives could be biodiesel based on sunflower oil. In this paper, based on experimental results is presented a comparative study of the performance parameter’s and consumption of a compression ignition engine fueled alternatively with new types of fuel based on sun flower oil and diesel fuel.

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