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Shear Stress Measurement in the Contact Patch Between Tyre and Movable Rig


Anghelache, Gabriel* - University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Baciu, Amalia - Maramures School Inspectorate
Negrus, Eugen Mihai - University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
Ciubotaru, Ovidiu - University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest



tyre, movable table rig, shear stress, contact patch, data acquisition


The paper presents the experimental investigation of shear stresses in the tyreroad contact patch. The measurements are achieved by loading a freely rotating tyre against a movable table rig. Aspects regarding rig structure, measuring stages, and special developed programs are mentioned. The shear stress data resolution in lateral direction is increased by moving the tested tyre in lateral direction, effecting two consecutive measurements in identical conditions. The transducer resolutions in longitudinal and lateral directions are 1 mm and 10 mm respectively. For the same loading condition and main dimensions, but different tyre type, the shear stresses in the contact patch differ both in distribution and magnitude.

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