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Analysis of The Transport Service System of an Emergency Aid Centre


Evtimova, Veselina - Rousse, “Angel Kanchev” University



Queuing Theory, Statistics, Emergency Aid


The national emergency aid system is established to save the life of a particular patient in danger; its purpose is not to give first aid on a general basis. Highly-qualified staff and adequate transport service are essential for the successful performance of an emergency aid centre. The paper presents a formalization of the emergency aid system. It analyses the incoming calls and shows how the incoming calls flow is formed. The article maintains that the incoming calls flow is random and there are periods when the system is overloaded, and periods when it does not work effectively enough, because it is not loaded to its full capacity. The paper claims that the incoming calls flow is stationary, ordinary and of no consequence. The article shows the lows of distribution of the incoming calls flow, of the time intervals between two consecutive calls and the time needed to provide the service. A model of the time consumed to perform the service is developed as well.

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