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Interaction between Lubrication System and Friction Losses of High Speed Engines


Dr.-Ing. Franz Koch - FEV


The main function of an engine‘s lubrication system is to supply the different engine components with sufficient oil at all operating conditions. The demand of high speed engines regarding the necessary oil pressure and flow of the individual components is influenced by the high engine speeds and the accelerations due to the vehicle driving conditions.

In addition to that the lubrication system effects the following topics:

• The drive power of the oil pump(s) which is influenced by the oil pump capacity, the oil pressure and mechanical losses of the oil pump(s)

• The oil mass which is supplied into the engine and flows back to the oil return system and to the crankcase

• The oil aeration due to the oil mass in the crankcase and the moving parts

• The ventilation losses in the crankcase which are influenced by the axial ventilation areas and the moved oil mass

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