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Low Cost Approach for High Performance Engine’s Valve Train Development


M. Haas - INA
D. Schmidt - INA
W. Speil - INA


Todays high performance engines signify any longer only high performance in terms of engine power output and torque. Other aspects like emissions and fuel consumption have reached meanwhile higher priorities in statement of requirements due to the regularly changing global emission standards.

Friction loss reduction combined with inproved combustion chamber shapes also influence the development trends of valve train design and therefore of the single components. Switchable valve trains get now more popular because of the advantages for the entire engine thermodynamics. Swirl and tumble charge motion are standard for modern direct injection diesel engines, gasoline direct injection engines like those functions as well in order to burn lean during engine part load drive.

Almost total elimination of pumping and throttling losses drive future engines in the direction of fully variable valve train systems. For large displacement engines cylinder deactivation is also a goal.

However, costs and reliability of new technical solutions are under strong focus of car manufacture’s commercial and warranty people. It is evident that the best technical idea will not make it into a high volume production if the costs versus benefit ratio cannot be kept in an affordable frame.

Among other field of activities INA as a global supplier of the automotive industry is successfully active in the valve train business. Designing technically demanding products and enabling at the same time low cost production is based on a long term experience with valve trains.

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