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Flexible and modular telematics demonstrator with considered network topologies of cars


Dietmar Messner – Infineon Technologies


New driver information systems have a very short time from the idea to the implementation and demonstration in a car. Especially in new systems with growing complexity like driver information systems – less than 12 month is a real challenge. Moreover - driven from our customers - we see a shift of our role from a chip supplier to a function supplier.

In order to fulfill this requirement Infineon Technologies AG had developed together with car system equipment manufacturers and carmakers a modular development platform in order to guarantee a reliable secure functionality with compact, standalone modules. The scalable functionality for different equipment is supporting different existing standards and is prepared for future extensions.

Different network topology has been considered by identification of different data flow behavior between the subsystems in terms of type, bandwidth, security, failure mechanism, response time and interval time. Discussed busses are CAN, serial, parallel, analog, wireless and MOST.

A modular design with different daughter boards on a main board, expandable RTOS, as well a flexible software structure with standard API give all necessary possibilities of functions without major modifications. Therefore basic functions are provided from emergency call over server based telematics services until route guidance.

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