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Automotive Active Systems Parallel Integrated Development


Philippe Krief - FIAT Auto
Enrico Suraci - FIAT Auto
Mauro Velardocchia - Politecnico di Torino


Driver assistance systems require an innovative approach to determine the performance maintaining both vehicle dynamics characteristics and high safety standard. Stand-alone driver assistance systems are proposed by manufacturers to help steering, suspension, shifting, traction, braking. Nowadays there are solutions for every peculiar aim devoted to increase vehicle safety and performance. The abrupt increasing of driver assistance systems requires a parallel demand about fail-safe know-how. New necessities are due e.g. to guarantee ECU software implementation standard or to appropriately merge sensor signals information contemporarily used by different driver assistance systems. Moreover car manufacturer have generally the question about where it is convenient fix the border between their or systems’ suppliers involvement about who do what definition.

This paper presents a methodology adopted to comprehensive design a vehicle equipped with different driver assistance systems. Some examples are employed to describe a few of the virtual experimentation activities managed on stand-alone driver assistance systems. Fundamental considerations are necessaries about fail-safe standard conceived to accompany a driver assistance system from the first step of vehicle conception to the start of production. Finally an example of driver assistance systems’ integration is presented.

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