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The “Virtual Safety Belt” Concept Development of a microwave surround sensing system for automotive applications


M. Miglietta - Centro Ricerche Fiat
A. Saroldi - Centro Ricerche Fiat


The paper describes the use of microwave radar sensors at 24 GHz for the monitoring of the area surrounding the vehicle. This leads to the “Virtual Safety Belt” concept that can assist the driver in many manoeuvring situations and with different support levels. Since the applications are strictly related to the safety, the sensor accuracy and reliability in the automotive environment are strong requirements.

In order to evaluate the feasibility and potential benefits of the Virtual Safety Belt concept, several short-range microwave sensors have been tested in advance and have been then integrated on demonstrator vehicles. On those vehicles, all-around collision warning and collision avoidance support functions have been developed and tested.

The paper reports some results from this development.

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