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A New Methodical Approach for Engine Calibration and Optimisation on Dynamic Test Bed


C. Ferrentino - Elasis SCpA
F.Caresana - Università degli Studi di Ancona
M. Panzavuota - Università degli Studi di Ancona


As a consequence of the high level of competition in the automotive industry and the related demand for time and cost reduction the vehicle development is more and more achieved by means of dynamic engine test beds.

As a matter of fact fully equipped dynamic engine test cell has been proved to be an invaluable means of shortening the engine development particularly with respect to its transient behaviour.

Furthermore it constitute a powerful tool to investigate on the combination engine/vehicle at reduced costs as it allows for the engine to be tested under simulated dynamic road load conditions. Now our goal is to verify whether it is possible to use this kind of bench for finding out quantitative data useful to ensure compliance with emission standards using only raw emission analysis results. Raw exhaust emission analyser benches are in fact part of the typical layout of such cells whereas the implementation of a dilute exhaust measurement system would be a costly and complicated task.

This paper outlines the capabilities of the tool and describes the used methodological approach.

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