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Measurements of the Intensity and Dose of UV Radiation Generated by Welding Operations in the Course of Assemblying Car Bodies


Zbigniew Motyka - Central Mining Institute
Henryk Passia - Central Mining Institute
Adam Szade - Central Mining Institute
Wojciech Bochenek - Central Mining Institute


The paper presents the measuring procedure and measurement results of the total intensity and UV dose emitted during welding bolts to the elements of the car body in the process of car assembly. A special CMI-developed instrumentation, including laser viewfinder, UV-measuring head on a tripod and

V-Store magnetic recorder, was used in the measurements. Such a set of instrumentation makes possible to detect the radiation emitted both by extended and point sources either for the case of continuous or pulsed emission. Owing to a flat spectral characteristics (200-360 nm) of the fast (1 MHz) detector, it is possible to perform the measurements of the biological effectiveness (by applying special filtration) and total UV exposure. The measurements of the UV-radiation intensity were conducted for selected points of joining bolts with the car body. The results were then averaged and the man-shift dose calculated. It was found that the surface total UV-radiation dose in the range of 200-365 nm was high in both measuring locations and varied between 250 and 1000 J/m2 per man-shift.

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