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Design an Ejector System for B6TA Engine
Boosted from Original B6


Le Dinh Vu - Military Technical Academy
Vu Duc Lap - Military Technical Academy


B6TA engine is boosted from the original B6 by turbocharging. The B6 engine has an ejector cooling system. After boosting, thermal flow transfers to coolant increasing, so that it is necessary to research and retrofit the exhaust and ejector system. The paper represents a new exhaust diagram and fundamental of ejector for the cooling system demanding. Ejector modules will be also redesigned. The intake air mass flow through the radiator is directly proportional to the exhaust gas mass flow and to its energy. The energy is reduced after passing the turbine while the mass flow is immutable, so that the vacuum is decreased at the end of the ejector. In addition, for the radiator air flow mass, the cooling system is not good enough for the B6TA. One of the unsuitability after turbocharging the engine is that the coolant temperature is recalculated to be higher than 90oC compared to 80-85oC for the original B6. The paper introduces some solutions including changing the ejector geometry (length, upstream and downstream diameter) and the diffusion number in order to improving the coolant quality. A mathematic model is built using the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). The simulation with experimentation allows getting accurate results. The solutions give an opportunity to reduce the coolant temperature to suitable working values, from 85 to 90 oC for all of the B6TA working conditions.

Keywords: Ejector, ejector geometry, cooling system, turbocharging engine, B6TA engine, CFD.

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