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Assessment of Heavy Metal Contamination in Roadside Surface Soil from E576 European Road


Claudiu Tănăselia - Institul de cercetari pentruInstrumentaţie Analitică
Erika Levei - Institul de cercetari pentruInstrumentaţie Analitică
Marin Şenilă - Institul de cercetari pentruInstrumentaţie Analitică
Mirela Miclean - Institul de cercetari pentruInstrumentaţie Analitică
Emil Cordoş - Institul de cercetari pentruInstrumentaţie Analitică
Leontin David - Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai


Abstract: Level of environmental pollution with heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, Zn and Cr) from road traffic was investigated in roadside surface soil using inductively plasma mass spectrometry. Average concentrations of aqua regia extractable metals in soil samples along E576 road were: Pb, 24.2; Cd, 0.63; Cu, 53.0; Zn, 183; and Cr, 0.080 mg/l. Periodic assessment of the accumulation of trace elements in urban areas with intense traffic is important in order to evaluate the rate of environmental pollution.

Keywords: Environmental monitoring, lead pollution, heavy metals, ICP-MS

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