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Mobility Demand Versus Vehicle Pollution


Nicolae Bataga - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Florian Dan - Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administrative Reform


Abstract: The modern era, marked by the production forces development and by increasing the social division of work, of production, of consumption and of the goods circulation, has determined the modernization and the improvement of the roads and vehicles, and thus has reached the distinction between the transportations and other economical activities, the former one becoming an distinct and independent branch. In this way, it has become obvious that this field is very important in the well developing of human activities, and any distortion or defection of it will cause major undesired changes in other fields of production and consumption, of the economy in general. The tail of this activity, the pollution, is getting stronger day by day, affecting a lot of population, and thus it has to be something done in this direction.

Keywords: mobility demand, vehicle pollution, environment pollution.

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