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Aspects Regarding the Economic Eficiency of Renewable Energy Sources


Teodora Deac - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Victor Roş - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca Marius Deac - University of Bucharest


Abstract: In our country the demand for thermal energy in households has increased influenced by the improvement of living standards. The raise of fossil fuel prices focused the consumer´s attention on the possibilities to obtain thermal energy from renewable energy sources, especially on solar energy and solid biomass. The choice of optimum technical solution to generate thermal energy in household it is influence by an analysis of economical efficiency of the available systems. The result this analysis is the cost per unit of energy of these systems expressed in Euro/kWhterm. In this paper it is presented the economical analysis of two thermal energy systems for the generation of domestic hot water: a system that uses only solar energy and the other system that uses solar energy and solid biomass (wood). A demo version of PolySun 3.3 software and the calculation methods without return of capital was used for economical analysis.

Keywords: renewable energy sources.

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