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The Enzymatic Transesterification of Vegetable Oils for the Production of Biodiesel – An Overview -


Adriana Gog - ICIA
Mircea Chintoanu - ICIA
Gabriela Pitl - ICIA
Marius Roman - ICIA
Florin Dan Irimie- Babes-Bolyai University
Emil Luca - University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Cluj Napoca
Nicolae Burnete - Technical University Cluj Napoca


Abstract. The paper presents an overview of the enzymatic transesterification reaction in order to obtain biodiesel from vegetable oils and animal fats and the parameters that influence the reaction: lipase screening, types of vegetable oils used as substrate, effect of amount of lipase, effect of alcohol concentration, effect of water concentration, effect of temperature, immobilized enzyme - stability and reusability and effect of the organic solvent, effect of glycerol and effect of free fatty acid content of vegetable oil.

Keywords: biofuels, biodiesel, transesterification, enzymatic transesterification, lipase

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