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Considerations upon the Potential of Romania for Biofuels Production and Use


Alexandru Naghiu
Mircea Stefan Chintoanu
Nicolae Burnete
Adriana Paula David


Abstract. The paper presents the Romanian potential for biofuels production and use in the European context. A strong knowledge and expertise exists in Romania in this area, both for biochemical and thermochemical systems. It started years ago (in early '80ies) and knows to day an exponential development. The study pointed out that Romanian agriculture has all the necessary conditions to develop a sustainable biodiesel production & use and to become one of the most important European producer of biofuels. In the same time the production of fuels that protect the environment as well as provide an economical and sustainable source of income in the rural areas is extremely important for Romania. It will be necessary, while supporting the implementation of currently available biofuels, to promote the transition towards second generation biofuels, which will be produced from a wider range of feedstock and which will help to reduce costs of "saved" CO2

Key words: biodiesel, potential, agriculture, bio energy, pollution

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