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Trio an Ecological City Car Concept


Adriana-teodora Manea - University „Ovidius” Constanta
Laurenţiu-claudiu Manea - University „Ovidius” Constanta
Manuela Rotaru - University „Ovidius” Constanta Gheorghe-Alexandru Radu -University „Transilvania” Brasov


Abstract: Fuelled with gasoline (produced at Petromidia Plant, from crude oil), gas- produced from Black Sea plants and algae (in our future Pilot Research Center)-, or alcohol from fruits or cereals (from Murfarlar Winery &Distilleries), TRIO, the city car projected in Ovidius University´s Laboratories wants to be a concept that reflects the attitude of local researches versus the reconsideration of Constanta automotive ecological fuel sources. After three years of teamwork TRIO was launched in May 2007 as a 2,5 meters long / three seats prototype and the paper presents relevant moments of the construction process and deals with some actual and future directions of using homegrown, clean-burning, highperformance, renewable local green fuels that can operate in automobile spark ignited propulsion systems in order to minimize dangerous exhaust emissions, in urban areas.

Keywords: city ecological cars, green fuels

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