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Environment-Friendly Storage of Energy Chips from Short Rotation Coppice


Volkhard Scholz - Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim
e.V. (ATB)
Christine Idler - Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik Potsdam-Bornim
e.V. (ATB)


Abstract: The storage of freshly harvested wood chips in unventilated piles leads to the development of micro organisms, especially moulds, which after only a few weeks results in a considerable loss in dry matter and also presents a hazard to work hygiene. In small and large scale experiments, the dominant influence of the wood chip length on the course of temperature and drying progress as well as the development of mould and the dry matter and energy losses in long term storage of wood chips from short rotation coppice is proven and quantified.

Keywords: biomass pre-treatment, poplar, wood chips, storage loss, mould fungi

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