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Research Regarding the Data Collection Equipments for Measuring Traffic Parameters


Nicolae Filip - Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj Napoca
Teodora Deac - Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj Napoca
Liviu Losonti - Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj Napoca
Florin Suciu - Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj Napoca


Abstract: In the paper are presented the research carried out in order to identify the possibilities and limits of the different technique and equipments tested in simulated and real conditions. In this respects, the equipments and sensor were tested in simulated and real work conditions. Was tested some equipments like: traffic radar detection, traffic video camera and a new equipment, designed by a research team under the financial support of the CEEX Program. The results show significant aspects regarding the influence of the sensor´s characteristics through the measurements conditions. Also the research carried out offer some indications regarding the possibilities to use the different tested devices in specific conditions. Research carried out was developed in the grant MOBURBIS.

Keywords: radar, sensor, test, video, traffic, count, mobility.

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