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Injection and Air-fuel Mixing Processes in D.I. Turbocharged Diesel Biofuel Feed Engine


Nicolae Ispas - Transilvania University of Braşov Corneliu Cofaru - Transilvania University of Braşov
Mihai Dogariu - Transilvania University of Braşov


Abstract: In the last years, a lot of Diesel engine development has been aimed at reduction of currently regulated exhaust emission-HC, CO, Nox and particles. Simultaneous with this effort there was a lot of considerable improvements in order to replace classical Diesel fuel with renewable fuels (biofuels). This paper presents the results obtained from research activity, carried out to uses biodiesel fuel mixtures into direct injection turbocharged Diesel engine. More research activities were develops in order to check the injection, fuel-air mixtures and combustion parameters on engine fueled by classical Diesel fuel comparative to mixtures of Diesel fuel and rapeseed oil ester. Injection timing and rates of injections are presented in conjunction with other air-fuel mixing characteristics.

Keywords: Diesel engines, turbocharged, biofuel, air - fuel mixing, fuel injection.

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