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Potential of Ethanol as a Fuel for Dedicated Engine


N.Jeuland - IFP Powertrain engineering
X.Montagne - IFP Powertrain engineering



One of the major challenge of the automotive industry is to reduce the greenhouse gases, and especially CO2 emissions. Many research programs are currently being led on this subject, aiming at reducing the fuel consumption of vehicles, but also to optimize the fuel composition. The global path must indeed be taken into account, from the fuel production to the vehicle emissions, and a "well to wheel" balance has to be calculated for each technology.

Ethanol seems to have important assets in order to comply with this new constraints: it is extracted from the biomass and consequently have a good "Well to tank" CO2 emission balance. Moreover, its properties, especially in terms of octane number and latent heat of vaporization allow an important optimization of the engine.

The present paper aims at taking stock of the ethanol path. The main production ways are tackled, especially concerning their energy balance. The main advantages and drawbacks of the use of such a fuel are then summarized. Finally, an example of the gains that can be obtained by an optimization of the engine in order to use pure ethanol is presented. A small supercharged engine has indeed been modified in order to use the potential of ethanol, especially in terms of knock resistance. The performances of this engine have been compared with those of the initial gasoline engine, showing the important gains that can be obtained with such a technology.

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