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Exhaust Emission Characteristics of a Diesel Engine with Articulated Steel Forged Piston


Hyunchul Kim - Power and IT Research Centre of the Korea Automotive Tech. Institute
Woo Kang - Power and IT Research Centre of the Korea Automotive Tech. Institute
Byungchul Na - Power and IT Research Centre of the Korea Automotive Tech. Institute
Hokil Lee - Power and IT Research Centre of the Korea Automotive Tech. Institute



Articulated Steel Forged Piston, Aluminium Alloy Piston, Chassis Dyamometer, CVS75 Mode, Emitted Gas Analyzer


In order to meet the world'd ever stringent environment regulations, the focus of this current research on diesel engines is to expressly reduce the size and enhance the power of engines simultaneously. Such requirements inherently increase the pressure of the combustion chamber. Under this high pressure, the operational pressure range of the current aluminium piston reaches to about the limit requiring a piston with higher operational pressure limit. The steel forged piston is under development as a potential replacement of the aluminium piston. In this study, in order to analyze the change of fuel consumption rate and emitted gas characteristics due to weights and heat transfer characteristics difference between the aluminium piston and the steel forged pistons, fuel consumption rate and emitted gas characteristics are analyzed using a chassis dynamometer. The characteristics of emitted gas were analyzed through a CVS75 mode experiment. Results indicate that the characteristics of emitted gas of the articulated steel forged piston are similar to that of the aluminium alloy piston.

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