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Prime Mover Air Suspension Ride Height Control Malfunction


A G. McLean - University of Wollongong


Prime Mover operation subject to beaming chassis conditions and inherent system non linearities renders the existing air bag suspension automatic ride height control system to be chaotic in character. Studies carried out show that the feed back system has been located in the incorrect location. It obtains the wrong magnitude feedback signal, ignores deviations in the feedback signal phase angle and its operation increasingly deviates in response to the governing fluid flow fundamentals. As a result the air suspension system, acting as a chaotic system, assumes at tractor end states. The assumed at tractor end states have significant implication in regard to vehicle behaviour including vehicle ride characteristics, 'vehicle feel', individual wheel loads, compressed air supply capacity and pressure deviations and cornering stability. Most significant of the resultant behaviour is a major difference in vehicle stability whilst negotiating LH and AH curves. The predicted vehicle behaviour correlates very well with driver experience and observations and also unfortunately, cornering loss of control accident statistics.

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