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Configurable Tools for Low Volume Stamping


M. Fariello - Altair Engineering/AMET
A. Argondizza - Altair Engineering/AMET
G. Vindrola - Altair Engineering/AMET


An innovative concept of configurable tools for low volume production of sheet metal components is presented here. With respect to traditional operations, where mechanical or hydraulic presses are used for every manufacturing step in conjunction with hydraulic actuators, the proposed concept introduces high flexibility and controllability into the process: the tool features numerically controlled electric actuators, driven in closed loop, using position and force feedback, according with the specific work stage. Such actuators are ideal to facilitate the try out and the tuning of the process parameters, by simply acting on software “knobs”; moreover high reconfigurability is achievable, to realize different components and tools.

A technological demonstrator of a flanging tool, based on the proposed concept, that is covered by a patent, has been realized. The paper describes the main features of the concept and of the realized prototype, the achieved results and the expected developments.

The main advantages deriving from the proposed concept are cost reduction, due to press hours saving and reduced try out time and cost, re-usability of the actuation system for different components; moreover quality improvements can be achieved, thanks to the closed loop control, allowing easy production drifts compensation and local force distribution.

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