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Effects of Heat Supply Methods into a Spray of Alcohol Fuels on Ignition and Combustion Characteristics in a Small DI Alcohol Engine


Hironori Saitoh* - Sojo University
Mataji Tateishi - Sojo University
Kouji Uchida - Sojo University


Keywords – Ignition, Combustion, Alcohol Spray, Hot EGR, Glow-plug

Abstract – This study deals with a diesel type, compression ignition and spray combustion, alcohol (Ethanol) engine. Through the prediction of mixture formation of Ethanol spray, it was found that huge quantity of heat input into an Ethanol spray was needed for self-ignition.

The objective of this study is to clear the effects of heat supply methods into an Ethanol spray on ignition and combustion characteristics in a small DI alcohol engine. Heat supply methods examined in the experiments are as follows;

・ Internal hot EGR to realize higher initial gas temperature in the compression stroke.

・ Higher compression ratio to realize higher compression gas temperature.

・ Installation of a glow-plug as local heat source.

As the results of the wide range of experimental investigations, it was revealed that the controlled ignition and combustion were possible by the control of heat supplied into an Ethanol spray due to glow-plug and hot EGR.

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