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The Performance and Exhaust Emission of a Diesel Engine using Biodiesel Fuel from Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and Refined Bleached Deodorized Oil from Palm Oil (RBDPO)


Iman K Reksowardojo* - Institut Teknologi Bandung
Hanif - Andalas University
M. Rachman Hidayat - Institut Teknologi Bandung
Tirto Prakoso Brodjonegoro - Institut Teknologi Bandung
Tatang Hernas Soerawidjaja - Institut Teknologi Bandung
Wiranto Arism


Keywords - Diesel engine, biodiesel fuel, crude palm oil (CPO), refined bleached deodorized palm oil (RBDPO), engine performances.

Abstract - Methyl ester from fatty acid of plant oils is called “Biodiesel” and has several advantages as follows; Carbon neutral and renewable energy due to biomass preventing an increase green house effect gas emission; CO2, Safety fuel due to higher flash point, Alternative diesel fuel due to fuel having high cetane number, Low smoke emission due to oxygenated fuel, Ultra low sulphur fuel, Low environment impact due to high biodegradation fuel. The huge biodiversity of Indonesia provides more than two dozen of fatty-oil yielding plants that may be exploited to produce biodiesel. Palm (Elaeis guineensis) is the most potential of these. Palm oil is now already produced and marketed in very large quantities, because it is edible and has a high harvesting yield (+/- 3 ton/hectare/year).

In this study, the engine performance, exhaust gas emissions, and some of fuel properties were measured for fuels: biodiesel of Crude Palm Oil (CPO) and biodiesel of Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Oil (RBDPO), and these fuels blended with diesel fuel.

It was found that both of biodiesel fuels and their blended fuels with diesel oil shows the brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) was increased, but the exhaust emissions (CO, CO2, HC and smoke) were better compared to the diesel fuel.

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