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Comprehensive Methods Empower Powertrain Development


Markus Schwaderlapp* - FEV Motorentechnik GmbH
Peter Walzer - FEV Motorentechnik GmbH


Keywords - Powertrain Development - Methodology - CAE - DOE - Electronics

Abstract - Modern powertrain development is targeting to meet challenging, to some degrees contradictory development goals in a short time frame. Looking to a development time schedule of 36 months from concept to SOP, it becomes very clear that design loops have to be avoided by all means, and, in addition, the theoretical and experimental development work has to be done more efficiently than in the past years.

This paper describes some selected methods for an efficient development process and their application. In the design phase, CAE tools allow the “virtual” verification of the new design. The philosophy of Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) combines many quality methods already known in principal in order to create a robust design and development process. After the availability of hardware, the testing and vehicle application work can make much profit from methods like Design of Experiments (DOE) and new technologies like Hardware in the Loop (HiL).

In this paper, the application of the different methods along the development process is discussed. The combination with new technologies is the key for the sustainable reduction of development time.

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