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Hybrid Drive with Super-Capacitor Energy Storage


Zdenek Cerovský* - Czech Technical University
Pavel Mindl - Czech Technical University



Electric hybrid vehicles, Super-capacitors, Energy storage, Charging losses, Charging efficiency


Presented paper deals with super-capacitor energy storage evaluation. The stored energy should cover the overtaking manoeuvre. The car accelerates from v1 to v2 velocities and then decelerates back to v1. The most important is the loss of energy during discharging the capacitor. Losses were verified on hybrid-drive experimental bench on a super-capacitor Siemans100F, 56V, 400A. Coefficients of efficiency for charging and discharging were measured. They lie between 0.8-0.98 for the super-capacitor alone and 0.39-0.7 for the set of converter and super-capacitor together. Measured results organised in tables and graphs can be seen from the full paper for different charging and discharging conditions.

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