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Study of Hydromount and Hydrobushing with Multiple Inertia Tracks


Min Lu - Cooper-Standard Automotive Group
Judah Ari-Gur - Western Michigan University
D.Sc - Western Michigan University


Study found that the hydromount and hydrobushing with multiple inertia tracks exhibit the inertia track fluid resonance proportional to the square root of the inertia track number n, which is verified by the experiment when n equals 2. An increase of the inertia track number n, the magnitude of the fluid displacement in the inertia track and the equivalent piston displacement decrease. The pressure difference between the chambers and loss angle increase when the number of the inertia track increases. Rubber damping has a minimal effect on the dynamic properties. The multiple inertia tracks also at high frequencies, but the locking effectiveness decreases with the increase of the inertia track number.

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