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Effects of Piston Ring Gaps Relative Positions On Engine’s Performance


T. A. F. Soelaiman - Institut Teknologi Bandung
P. E. Sanyoto - Institut Teknologi Bandung
T. Hardianto - Institut Teknologi Bandung
I. K. Reksowardojo - Institut Teknologi Bandung
W. Aripin - Institut Teknologi Bandung


This research investigates the effects of piston ring gaps’ relative position on the engine’s performance of a four cylinder diesel engine with prechambers. The engine parameters measured are blowby rate, cylinder’s pressure, and engine speed. The relative positions of the rings piston gaps were varied in several different configurations by varying the relative position of top compression ring to middle compression ring. The relative positions were 0o, 90o, and 180o. The results of the experiments show that the rings piston gaps’ relative positions strongly affect the blowby rate and the indicated power output. The further the relative position of the top and the middle compression rings, the higher blowby rate, and the lower the cylinder gas pressure, the indicated power, and the IMEP. The blowby rate increased as much as 206%, the maximum cylinder’s gas pressure decreased as much as 38%, the indicated po wer output decreased as much as 50%, and the IMEP decreased as much as 42%.

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